Wasabi Kids Japanese Experience provides authentic cultural performances for children by using traditional resources and teaching methods that are commonly used in Japan.
Our show is designed for children to understand and be aware of cultural differences in the world and encourage them to experience the Japanese culture whilst having fun.
Our program introduces a truly unique, fun, and interactive experience for the children aged 3 to 10years old.

Our Story
In Japan, Aiko Shiga worked as a kindy teacher where she taught children aged 3-6 years old. In 2007, she moved to Sydney and started studying children’s services again as she was curious of early childhood education in Australia.
While she was studying, she realised that there are some differences in educating children between Australia and Japan. Although she was enjoying the Australian way of educating children, she missed the Japanese props and songs she used as an educator in Japan, as the Japanese children absolutely loved them.
As Australia is a multicultural country and it is important to educate children of cultural diversity, Aiko thought it would be great to introduce these Japanese prop and songs to Australian children.
She tried these Japanese props and songs at the long day care centre where she worked and found the children to be very interested. Soon they started asking her to do some more.
Her aim is for children in Australia to experience authentic Japanese culture and have fun by looking at images, using traditional Japanese props, music and games, just like children in Japan.